Tuesday 18 July 2017

New woodlands animals journal for kids

So excited having finally new design for my funny quotes kids journal. This one is with my hand drawn woodlands animals, hedgehog, squirrel and leaves.

I have kept my daughters' funny sentences they came up with on pieces of paper until I had an idea to make a journal and write everything down in one place. We are regularly going through them and laugh our socks off...what would you say about this: "Elephant cant fit through the door, the house will fall down and we will be flooded with water from Elephant trunk." or "I know what's an incubator, Donna uses it at home to warm food." :) both when they were about 4...

Friday 7 July 2017

Sea Inspired Summer Photo Frame

I have to say my daughter inspires me a lot with her mother's day presents. Last year I have made 30 days challenge with her heart present on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BDu6Sp9KF51/?taken-by=honcstudio. This year she got me white photo frame. Couldn't wait to put my hands on it and change it a bit.

As posted earlier my inspiration was sea and things we collected on the beach. I have used my favourite blue Fresco Acrylic paints from PaperArtsy https://shop.paperartsy.co.uk/fresco-acrylic-paints-269-c.asp and applied two layers with sponge and toppled it with Vintage Lace colour. I have found some old laces and used them to add extra texture. Copper effect was achieve by applying a bit of Treasure Copper from Connoisseur Studio. I have stamped the words on old brown envelop and waxed it a bit with the copper too.